A safer, cleaner, and more accessible transportation future starts with autonomous vehicles.

Imagine a future where:

  • Roads are safer

  • Air is cleaner

  • Transportation is accessible to everyone

A future where drivers can see through fog, around corners, and never get distracted.

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) can make this vision a reality, but politics and fear tactics threaten our progress. From manipulating data to falsely claiming that all AV technology is unsafe, special interest groups are attempting to prevent safe AVs from offering clean and accessible rides to more cities across America.

Today's AVs adhere to strict safety regulations

AVs are subject to strict oversight from state regulators like the state DMV and DOTs, who work with the state Highway Patrol and other experts, in order to operate, and remain, on our roads. Where needed, the regulators have stepped in to ensure public safety. Embracing AV technology can greatly reduce human-error-related crashes, the primary cause of serious crashes.

AVs are also subject to oversight and regulation at the federal level by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

What You Can Do

If you support the safer, cleaner, and more accessible transportation AVs offer, your city and state representatives need to hear from you. You can help to bring AVs to more communities by telling them why you support this technology – and why they should too. Here’s why.

Safety First

AVs can help to reverse the alarming 77% rise in pedestrian fatalities since 2010. Since AVs are never distracted and have 360° vision, they are a game-changer in road safety, especially for bicyclists and pedestrians. 

Accessibility for All

In the future, AVs can improve access to medical care, groceries, and social activities for the 25.5 million Americans with travel-limiting disabilities. AVs have the potential to revolutionize transportation, particularly for underserved communities and people with disabilities.

Sustainability Matters

Transportation is the #1 contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and electric AVs provide a more sustainable way for people to get around. Many AVs are 100% electric, helping American cities achieve ambitious climate goals and reduce our carbon footprint.

Join us in letting your local officials know that you are excited about the future of autonomous vehicles and support regulatory approval in your community.

Together, we can shape a future where innovation, safety, sustainability, and accessibility thrive on America’s roads. Don't let politics and fear-mongering stop progress that can save lives.